TwentyFour Select Monthly Income Fund – Quarterly Tender Offer

The Company was established with a Quarterly Tender facility that provides Shareholders with a quarterly opportunity to submit Ordinary Shares for placing or repurchase by the Company at a price representing a discount of no more than 2 per cent. to the then prevailing NAV.

At the AGM of the Company held on 8th August, shareholders passed a resolution to renew and implement the Quarterly Tender facility in respect of the September 2024 Tender, the December 2024 Tender, the March 2025 Tender and the June 2025 Tender.

Shareholders will be entitled to tender for repurchase up to 20 per cent. of the Ordinary Shares held by the relevant Shareholder on the relevant Quarter Record Date, unless such percentage needs to be reduced to comply with the Annual Restriction.

Should you wish to participate in a Quarterly Tender Offer, please advise the Corporate Action Department .  You may contact us either by letter, telephone or email as detailed below quoting ‘TwentyFour Tender Offer’ in the subject box.

Corporate Action Administration

Direct Line – 0161-819-4850 | Email: